I have spent so many hours checking and double checking my dissertation – do I really need professional proofreading?
Even a professional writer seeks proofreading to ensure that (almost) no errors have slipped through – one can easily miss errors when reading something you yourself have written
How do I find the best journal for my paper and how do I format the paper correctly
This is a cardinal question! It is of primary importance to send your scientific paper to the most suitable journal, as even an excellent manuscript will be rejected if it does not comply with the journal’s guidelines or match the scientific sphere of interest of their targeted readership. ALWAYS check on the scientific journal’s website what is defined as the aims and scope of the journal
The formatting should not be a formidable task – many journals offer a template on their website, and complying with the formatting definitions should not be too challenging
Who needs proofreading now there are free AI tools available online?
AI tools (and other editing software) are very useful for getting a grammatically correct manuscript, but do not yet meet the mark with regard to quality of writing, comprehensibility, dealing with specialist terminology and many other aspects of producing a high quality paper
How long does it take to proofread a PhD thesis?
This clearly depends on the length of the manuscript, and also on the level of the writing. Always ask for a time estimate alongside the price quote, when submitting a thesis for proofreading – and do not wait until the last minute so that the proofread can be done at a fair pace and any ambiguities can be discussed and reconciled
Why is academic writing different from any other writing?
True – any writing should be clear, concise, pleasant to read and much more. However, academic writing should adhere to the accepted rules of the respective scientific journal, should innovate and add some incremental scientific breakthrough, and should use the appropriate current terminology in an exact way
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